Renaissance Festival

Pirate Invasion!

Rise and Shine, Colorful Coloradans!

Last weekend, my boyfriend and I went to the Colorado Renaissance Festival. Each weekend has a different theme and this one was Pirate Invasion. For those of you who haven’t been or aren’t aware, you can save some money on tickets by purchasing them through King Soopers or other partnerships like Subway. You can attend the festival on Saturdays and Sundays throughout June and July. The last weekend is July 29-30th and it’s Mardi Gras themed!

There’s a variety of entertainment to be found. Music like The Craic Show, a hypnotist, The Living Fountain, jousting, and much more! You can find many shops to purchase costumes, jewelry, and pottery. There’s also several places you can purchase accessories such as parasols and fans or have your hair braided, face painted, or get some henna. Make sure to bring some extra cash for turkey legs, drinks, meatball sandwiches, frozen cheesecake on a stick, and more! One of my favorite parts is the parade with the carriage, kings and queens, bagpipes, and animals!

This year I bought a parasol and fan from Bazarre Traders to go with my lady-in-waiting outfit from Unicorn Clothing.

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For more information, click here! Let me know what you think of the Renaissance! Leave a comment with your favorite theme, food, or activity! Have a great weekend!

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